What are sketchnotes? An intro to Sketchnotes with Chris Spalton | Notes from a Zoom Workshop

Did you know that sketching can help with any aspect of your work, not only with visual roles like design or photography? Sketching challenges your brain to fire up different neurons and it helps you to connect the dots and see patterns in information! But what are sketchnotes? Chris is here to help you understand.

You can start by sketching pretty much anything, from a live/online talk to a team meeting or if you want to practice in your personal life, you can try sketchnoting your day, your travels or use it to visualise your goals!

Don’t worry if you think that you’re NOT creative! Creativity is only confidence that your ideas are valid, says Chris. It takes practice, but everyone can become creative! So don’t be shy, grab a pen and paper and start doodling!

Don’t worry about making your sketchnotes ART, focus on IDEAS instead. Everyone has its own style and the main point of practising sketchnoting is to remember information better!

Our key takeaways from Chris’ sessions were:

  • ✅ Practice
  • ✅ Build your own visual vocabulary
  • ✅ Learn how to draw people
  • ✅ Play around with titles and fonts
  • ✅ Use dividers, arrows, icons, containers and bullet points ?

A couple more advanced takeaways from Chris’ workshop:

  • ➡️ Hierarchy is important
  • ➡️ Think about the structure of your sketchnote
  • ➡️ Own your lines (and mistakes)
  • ➡️ Don’t worry about making your #sketchnotes perfect

Here’s an overview of the workshop in a form on a sketchnote ⤵️

If you missed our Chris’ workshop or want a reminder of some of the key points that Chris made, check out this blog post FREE into to Sketchnotes.

Chris also shared a couple more resources with us on Twitter. Follow the Twitter thread here. Chris also mentioned a couple of books about sketchnoting, and you can see the reading list HERE.

To continue learning and practising your sketchnoting, we’d highly recommend checking out this FREE #Sketchnote4E Skillshare training from Mauro Toselli.

Discover more workshops and resources to elevate your skillset and business here.